Saturday 16 March 2013

Bloody Mary Legend - Vain Beauty

There are several versions of the Bloody Mary legend. It has been going around since early 1960's. 

In short, about 100 years ago or so there was a woman named Mary. One day she had a terrible accident and her face was scratched so badly that she bled to death. But her spirit could not rest. Bloody Mary roams the world as an evil? ghost.If you stand in front of a mirror in the dark and say her name three times, you will see her horribly mangled face appear. If you do not turn on the light and run away as fast as you can she will try to scratch your face off.

The most contemporary superstition associated with this myth about the broken mirror which some people believe will bring you bad luck. 

Mirrors and reflections have always been held in fear and consequently been linked to the supernatural, e.g. the ability to foretell the future by looking into a mirror or reflection. 

Some people believe that a man's soul is in his shadow, or in his reflection in water or mirror.
 Macbeth, Three witches

in Snow White and the Huntsman

in Snow White, the evil queen

Mirror, Mirror, with Julia Roberts

 All of these interpretations suggest that the mirror-obsessed queens were ultimately destroyed by their own vanity. The mirror subject is one of the major elements of the Bloody Mary ritual. Other elements include darkened room and repeating a chant a certain number of times.

There is another variant which is not far away from the central identity of Bloody Mary is the Candyman. The Candyman is featuring the dead spirit of a man. This movie is about a killer with a hook for a hand who is summoned in much the same way as out witch Bloody Mary in the mirror. The story was based on the urban legend and not other way around. Many people still think that there really was a Candyman. 

Along with movies and stories there is one classical myth of the beautiful Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection and died from sorrow of not be able to love anyone else.
"..he could not tear himself away; he lost all thought of food or rest, while he hovered over the brink of the fountain gazing upon his own image"

Solace for //SLANG magazine (Colombia) from Charlene Bagcal on Vimeo


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